Blender Vr Editor

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Meet the first ever Blender long-term support release.

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  2. Blender Vr Editor Download
  3. Blender Vr Editor Download

With over 1250 bugfixes, and further critical fixes due throughout the next two years as part of the Long Term Support program, Blender 2.83 LTS provides the performance and stability needed for major projects. New features include VR support, OpenVDB import, OptiX viewport denoising and a powerful new physics-enabled Cloth Brush.

June 3, 2020

Blender is an amazing 3D creation suite but there's a lot to it. My own efforts to produce VR video in Blender involved some trial and error, but the results were really motivating. Blender 2.78 + 0.01 = 2.79 and it was a minor update Blender 2.7 + 0.1 = 2.8 and it was a major update and everyone knows it Blender 2 + 1 = Blender 3 and it will be a wonderful and unimaginable update, trust me. Same for Blender 4.

  1. Blender goes Open Source, 1st Blender Conference. 2.25 – October 2002: Blender Publisher becomes freely available, and the experimental tree of Blender is created, a coder's playground. 2.26 – February 2003: The first truly open source Blender release. 2.27 – May 2003: The second open source Blender release. 2.28x – July 2003.
  2. Jan 05, 2021 Free Blender Alternatives. Blender is described as 'is the free and open-source 3D creation suite. It supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline—modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing, video editing, and motion tracking'. There are more than 100 alternatives to Blender for various platforms.
  3. Dec 14, 2020 Blender software is recommended for financing project management operations, presentation control definitions, avatar simulation design animation unification, digital content molding, data display code import, video editing programmatic detail modification selection, rich audio quality, virtual reality system inclusions, stable load speed.


OpenVDB files can now be imported and rendered with the new Volume object. Files may be generated by Blender's fluid simulation cache or even other software.


Powered by OpenXR, Blender now ships with the first milestone in VR support: scene inspection. Walk around your scenes in virtual reality directly within Blender!

Cycles now supports denoising inside the Blender viewport with NVIDIA OptiX™ AI-Accelerated Denoiser
as well as in final renders. Preview your rendered scene at full visual fidelity, without noise.

With NVIDIA OptiX™ AI-Accelerated Denoiser

Simply turn it on and enjoy fast and noise-free renders in the viewport.



Physics simulation under your brush. Sculpt realistic wrinkles with the new Cloth Brush. Its built-in physics solver automatically creates natural-looking folds.

7 Deformation Modes · Radial & Planar fall-off · Pin Vertices by Masking

The mass and the damping properties of the simulation are settings of the brush. Two additional controllers limit the influence and falloff of the simulation.

Masked vertices act as pinned during the simulation, and the gravity is applied directly in the solver.

This brush includes seven deformation modes with radial and plane falloff types.


The new Sharpen mode in Mesh Filter pinches the edges while smoothing flat surfaces automatically.
This new brush (also available as Mesh Filter) removes the surface while preserving the volume of the object usin the HC algorithm from 'Improved Laplacian Smoothing of Noisy Surface Meshes'. The smooth result an be controlled by tweaing the original shape preservation, displacement and iteration count.
The Clay brush also got improvements and a new option to choose the brush tip between circle and square.
The Layer Brush was completely redesigned. Gone are the artifacts when alternating between adding and subtracting or when modifying the same area multiple times. It features a preview of the Layer height in the cursor, Multires support for Persistent Base and much better masking support.


Keep complex meshes organized as you work. The new Face Sets system lets you control the visibility of individual parts of a mesh, or automatically mask parts of its surface for sculpting.

Create Face Sets based on edit mode selection, loose mesh islands, materials, normals, seams, and more.
Easily smooth the boundary of Face Sets with a mesh filter.
The Pose Brush can snap the rotation origin points to the boundaries of the Face Sets.


Rewritten from scratch, the Grease Pencil 2D animation toolset is now much faster – and much better integrated with the rest of Blender.


The same workflow you know for meshes is now available for Grease Pencil objects!
Making stroke colors no longer limited to a single material, now each point has its own color giving you unlimited artistic freedom.


The new system allows you to combine masks, adding a lot of flexibility and it also looks much better thanks to the new draw-engine.
The effect modifiers have been rewritten to improve quality and speed, while adding new functions to make them more flexible.
No more jagged lines when drawing with fast gestures!
Smooth lines even in tightest strokes.


Frame rates are now 2x higher when working on files with large numbers of Grease Pencil strokes, and strokes are smoother when painting quickly.

…and even more!

  • VFX Match Viewport and Render
  • Pixel Perfect Blend Modes
  • New Alpha Control for Stroke/Fill Colors


Blender's real-time render engine continues to evolve

Render Passes

Blender Video Editor Scale

Compositing EEVEE renders is now much simpler thanks to individual passes, just like Cycles.

Light Cache Update

Reflection Probes are now stored in cubemap arrays instead of octahedron maps arrays, what does it mean? No more seam artifacts and stretched texels!

Hair Transparency

Hair geometry now supports blending with alpha hash and alpha clip mode. Shadow blend modes are now also supported.

High Quality Normals

This new option helps to avoid textures looking weird due to low resolution normal issues on dense meshes.

Adjust HDRI Blur in Material Preview

Easily adjust the blur amount of the HDRI background in Material Preview.


The Wave Texture node gets new direction modes, a phase offset control and a roughness input, and the White Noise Texture, Math and Vector Math nodes have been improved. Read more.

The new Angle slider lets you easily rotate the vectors. Try this example .blend file!
Go crazy with your setups.
Increase the detail in Noise textures with the new Roughness setting.
Vectors can now wrap around for easy tiling.
Control the direction of the lines in the Wave node.


  • Undo is now much faster in Object and Pose Mode
  • In Sculpt mode, the new Delay Viewport Updates option improves performance when navigating high-poly meshes
  • Self-collision in cloth simulations is up to 5x faster
  • Fluid simulations with Effector objects now bake faster
  • Loading times for particle and mesh files in fluid sims has been reduced.


Many of Blender's modifiers have been updated with powerful new features.

Corrective Smooth

Corrective Smooth's new Scale parameter provides accurate deformations when scaling the root bone of a character rig.

Ocean Modifier

Ocean's new spectral modes help mimic shallow water as well as deep seas.


Remesh gets a new Voxel mode, matching the Voxel Remesh operator.


Solidify now plays nicer with Bevel modifiers. Control the Bevel weight of the resulting mesh!

Surface Deform

Surface Deform now works from a specified vertex group, and gets a new Strength control.


The Warp modifier can now use armature bones as From and To targets.


Blender's video editor continues to see improvements in its user interface, a toolbar to improve user experience and performance.

  • New Disk Cache
  • Opacity and Audio Preview on Strips
  • Slimmer Handles on Strips
  • Color Sample as Tool
  • Select Handles with Box Selection
  • Blade Tool
  • Adjust Last Operation Panel


Two years of support. Ideal for long projects. Read more.


  • Freestyle as Render Pass
  • New Community Themes
  • Cycles Adaptive Sampling
  • Instance Metaballs via Vertices/Faces
  • Quick Search in File Browser

Python API – Add-ons

  • In bl_info, wiki_url is now deprecated. It has been renamed to doc_url. (commit)
  • Custom shaders need to be patched using the function blender_srgb_to_framebuffer_space. This ensure the output color is transformed to the correct color space. (commit, task)

Blender Vr Editor Download

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Building on the success of the 2.8x series, Blender 2.90 continues to polish the user experience, introducing improvements to EEVEE, Cycles, sculpt, VR, animation, modeling, UV editing and so much more.

Released August 31st, 2020


Meet Nishita, a physically based texture built-in Cycles.

Download this file and play!

Motion blur in EEVEE has been completely rewritten from scratch, adding support for mesh deformation, hair, and sub-frame accumulation for better precision.

Intel Embree is now used for ray tracing on the CPU. This significantly improves Cycles performance in scenes with motion blur.

Scenes with high geometric complexity also benefit on average.

Blender 2.81 introduced Intel OpenImageDenoise in the compositor, in 2.90 you can use this denoiser interactively in the 3D viewport as well as for final renders.

Simply select OpenImageDenoise from the new Denoising panel.

The new shadow terminator offset setting helps you to avoid shading artifacts with smooth normals on low-poly meshes.

Blender Vr Editor Download

Farewell blotchy shading!

Shadow Terminator 0.1
  • NVLink support for CUDA and OptiX. When enabled in the Cycles device preferences, GPUs connected with an NVLink bridge will share memory to support rendering bigger scenes.
  • OptiX is now available on all NVIDIA GPUs that support it, which is Maxwell or higher (GeForce 700, 800, 900, 1000 series).

It is now possible to select the subdivision level to sculpt on and switch between levels, with displacement information smoothly propagated between them.

The Multires Modifier can now rebuild lower subdivisions levels and extract its displacement. This can be used to import models from any subdivision based sculting software and rebuild all subdivisions levels to be editable inside the modifier. Read more.

Multires can now create smooth, linear and simple subdivisions. This means that any subdivision type can be created at any time without changing the subdivision type of the modifier. Read more.

Simulate cloth on your mesh using four types of simulation.


Next to Rotate/Twist, two new deformation modes were added to the pose brush!

Quickly scale or translate your model without leaving Sculpt mode.

Scale the mesh while preserving volume or a Squash or Stretch effect.

Topology Slide/Relax

The Topology Slide/Relax mode now has two more deformation modes for Slide: Pinch and Expand.

Clay Strips

Clay strips now has more predictable pressure/size and pressure/strength curves. Its deformation algorithm was modified to prevent geometry artifacts in large deformations.


The Automasking system was redesigned, so brush will not have and start delay when automasking options are enabled in a high poly mesh.

Pen Pressure

Pen pressure modulation is now supported for the hardness property. The modulation can be inverted for achieving higher hardness with lower pressure.


Now mesh boundaries are properly detected by the automasking system in both meshes and Multires levels. This means that the smooth brush does not longer automasks boundary vertices by default and its meshes and multires behavior now matches.

Face Set FK mode

The Pose Brush now has a Face Set FK mode, which deforms the mesh using the Face Sets to simulate an FK rig.


This smart new tool automatically splits and removes adjacent faces when extruding inwards.

All the snapping options are now available while using edge or vertex slide!

Custom Profile Bezier Curves

The custom profile for the bevel modifier and tool now supports bezier curve handle types.

New Absolute Mode

Graphic editing tools. The bevel tool and modifier have a new ‘Absolute' mode for interpreting the ‘amount' value. This mode is like Percent, but measures absolute distance along adjacent edges instead of a percentage.

Better Material/UV Split

The bevel tool and modifier use a new method to decide which material and UV values to use for the center polygons in odd-segment bevels. It should give more consistency in different parts of the model compared to the seemingly random choice made up til now.

Mesh normals are now properly preserved when using rip, delete, disolve, and knife tools.

Blender 2.90

The glTF exporter has also been updated to properly export these normals.

The ocean modifier now generates maps for spray direction!

Automatically adjust UV and Vertex Colors while editing your mesh.

Hold down Ctrl and select UV components with left mouse to select the shortest path between the UV components.
Grid type selection if you activate fill region or use Ctrl-Shift-LeftMouse when selecting UV components.
Separates UV components (vertices, edges, faces) from connected components. The operator is run by pressing the V hotkey. The components are ripped in the direction of the mouse pointer position.

Smoke and liquids data will now be cached into a single .vdb cache file per frame. Read more.

Apply a pressure gradient emulating the weight of contained or surrounding fluid.

Blender 2.90 continues to refine the user interface principles established in 2.8x

Ever wondered in which menu to find a certain operator? Wonder no more! The new search menu shows you that and more:

  • See the menu and its hotkey
  • Add the operator to Quick Favorites
  • Easily assign a new shortcut
  • Link to the Manual and Python API reference

Columns now feature headings! Combined with left-aligned checkboxes resulting in a more readable layout that takes even less space.

Checkboxes can be aligned inline with labels and other widgets for a more compact layout.

Modifiers and other stacks now support drag and drop for reordering. Their layouts were completely rewritten to make use of subpanels and the current user interface guidelines.

  • Shift+D to Duplicate
  • Ctrl+A to Apply Modifier
  • X to Delete
  • A to toggle open/collapse panel
  • New Move to First and Move to Last buttons

This change also applies to Grease Pencil modifiers, visual effects, object and bone constraints.

Scene statistics are now available as an overlay in the 3D Viewport!

Appstore vn android. Customize the status bar to toggle individual stats, including the new Video Memory details.

  • Support for bold and italics style fonts
  • Support for A-Z accelerator keys in pie menus

This new lens distortion model allows you to solve motion in Blender and do compositing in Nuke or Natron.


Read the full list of changes at


List of developers that contributed to Blender 2.90.


Blender 2.90 Splash by Daniel Bystedt, EEVEE Motion Blur by Juan Carlos Montes, Nishita Sky by Andy Goralczyk, normals preservation demo by Jason Lim, Ocean Spray by Dyzinliz, OpenVDB rain by Crossmind Studio, UV Correct Face Attributes demo by Simon Thommes, Nuke Distortion sample by Sean Kennedy, Cloth Avocados by Zuggamasta.

Blender releases are possible thanks to the members of the Development Fund.

Join today and help to ensure the future of Blender for $6/month

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